MousePad Drag Program Change

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

MousePad Drag Program Change

Method for program change (instrument, effects, MIDI, etc) for musical instruments, multifx and computer music based on a surface type mousepad. Sequences of drags up, right, down,left correspond to banks and programsUp and down drag combinations correspond to bank up and bank down.

Right and left drag combinations correspond to the programs of the bank.

↑ = 1 Bank up
↑↓ = 2 Banks up
↓ = 1 Bank down
↓↑ = 2 Banks down
→ = Program 1
← = Program 2
→← = Program 3
←→ = Program 4
→←→ = Program 5
←→← = Program 6
→←→← = Program 7
←→←→ = Program 8
→←→←→ = Program 9
←→←→← = Program 10